PURPOSE: To examine the phases of interaction within a group during a problem solving exercise.

INSTRUCTIONS: You are a space crew originally scheduled to make a rendezvous with your mother ship on the moon’s lighted surface. Mechanical problems arise and you have been forced to land 200 miles from the rendezvous point. Much of your equipment has been damaged. Your survival hinges upon your reaching the mother ship. The most critical items available must be chosen for the 200-mile trip. Below are the fifteen items left intact after the rough landing.

Your Task: Rank them in order of importance in allowing the crew to reach the rendezvous point. Please place the number 1 in the MOST important item, through numbers 15 being the least important. Do the column marked “you” first then do the column marked “group” and compare the answers. The answers are listed on the next page.





Box of matches




Food concentrate




50′ of nylon rope




Parachute Silk




Portable heating unit




Two .45 caliber pistols




One case dehydrated Pet milk




2 100 lbs Oxygen tanks




Map of the moon’s constellations




Life raft




Magnetic compass




5 gallons of water




Signal flares




First aid kit




Solar powered FM receiver/transmitter


